Extra is the research arm of Tim Power Architects (TP/A).
It’s core purpose is to critically examine, enrichen and expand the discipline of design, its tools and concepts on an on-going basis.
Whereas Tim Power Architects operates within the traditional boundaries of Architectural practice, Extra looks to disciplines and ideas laying on the borders of Architectural and Design practise. Much of the research is done without a specific program or client, allowing Extra to investigate issues which are not driven by the programatic or economic requirements of a specific project.
Still other research led by Tim Power is conducted within his Academic design studios and seminar series. His Academic research includes ongoing or past seminars and design studios at the Politecnico of Milan, IED, and Domus Academy. Tim Power is currently leading undergraduate thesis studios at NABA.
Of primary concern to the research of Extra is analysing Individual, Social and Environmental Responsibility in the World of Design.