Singapore Design Week
On March 14th, 2014, Tim Power spoke on Design, Interiors, Architecture, and Territory. Tim was invited by Singaplural, the official event…
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Louis Kahn – Four Freedoms Park on Roosevelt Island
Public Space is as varied as the Public Body. Public Space can be spontaneous, eclectic, naturalistic, formal, ordered. Public Space can be…
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WorkPlace 3.0
The WorkPlace Environment, where the majority of adults pass more than half of our wakening lives, is undergoing a new wave of notable…
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Wilderness Downtown
Our research often leads us to question place, continuity and change … This little video does so as well.
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The City, Our Greatest Invention
Ideally our cities become exciting, sexy, and profitable places to live, play, and work – that’s the most important part. When people have…
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Progettare l’Eccellenza (w/ R. Koolhaas)
Last night Rem Koolhaas, founder of the Office for Metropolitan Architecture, opened the series of events scheduled for the Workshop on…
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Conversazione con Tim Power
This Conversation between Tim Power and Ivana Riggi, conducted in Italian on the 16th of April 2011, discusses various aspects of the…
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CSU_Florence Architecture Symposium
Invited guest lecturer Tim Power presented the works of TP/A in the Symposium ’30 years of Teaching and Research in International…
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Design Boost _ Interview with Tim Power
… Over the span of the past half-decade or so, Tim Power Architects has consciously enlarged the focus of their research and production…
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Tim Power lectures at ENSCI _ Les Ateliers
On January 20th, 2011 Tim Power lectured to a Course of Masters students at the renowned French industrial Design School ‘ENSCI – Les…
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